Lo voglio chiamare "HOLIDAY SWAP", e adesso vi spiego il perchè...
Tra un pò, molti di noi andranno in vacanza: chi al mare, chi in montagna, chi ai laghi...
Insomma, cercheremo di prendere per noi e le nostre famiglie un periodo di riposo, di relax.
E purtroppo, resteremo per un pò di tempo lontane dalle nostre amate miniature!!
E allora ho pensato: perchè non portare con noi un amico miniaturista???
Naturalmente non in senso reale, ma virtuale, appunto con questo Swap!!
Si tratta di creare in miniatura una serie di oggetti (minimo 3), che portereste in vacanza con voi.
Mi spiego meglio: se le vostre vacanze fossero al mare, cosa mettereste in valigia? Certamente un bikini, una borsa di paglia, un paio di ciabattine...
E se invece andaste in montagna? Un paio di scarponi, un maglioncino per le serate fresche, uno zaino....
E per la campagna? Sicuramente un cesto da picnic, un cappello di paglia, un libro da leggere sul prato...
E se le vostre vacanze fossero in una città d'arte? Oppure in luogo esotico?? Allora macchina fotografica, una guida turistica, un souvenir della città che avete visitato...
Vi ho dato una idea delle minis da creare, ma voi avete libera scelta e naturalmente potete anche fare più di 3 oggetti, se vi sentite generose.. ah ah!!
E' tutto chiaro? Scegliete la mèta delle vostre vacanze, e portate con voi il vostro "partner di swap", spedendo a lui le minis che farete, come se fosse un invito a andare in vacanza insieme!!!
Vi piace l'idea???
Se volete partecipare a questo "Holiday Swap", lasciate un commento in questo post, dicendo quale sarà la destinazione delle vostre vacanze.
Avete tempo fino a domenica 13 giugno per iscrivervi, metterò il link a questo post in cima alla pagina del mio blog, per promemoria.
Come per lo Swap di Pasqua sorteggerò i nomi dei partecipanti per formare la catena dei partners.
Compirò 47 anni, e questo swap internazionale mi sembra un modo simpatico per festeggiarlo tutte insieme, e fare le vacanze più belle: il giro del mondo!!!
Quando avrete terminato le vostre minis, mi dovrete mandare le foto via email, in modo che io possa aprire un unico post con tutte le vostre foto, alla scadenza dello swap, che ripeto, sarà il 14 luglio.
Se avete bisogno di chiarimenti, scrivetemi, io sono qui!
Allora, chi parte in vacanza con me????? ah ah!!
Vi aspetto numerose, mi raccomando!!!

Hi Caterina...I'd love to go on a mini holiday with you!
RispondiEliminaBut money is a bit tight right now so I think I'll have to be satisfied to spend time at the cottage. Most cottages in Canada front onto a lake and the days are generally spent swimming, boating or fishing. We could even go for hikes in the forest. How does that sound?
hugs Karin
Hello, Caterina!
RispondiEliminaI'd love to participate! My holiday destination would be art galleries and opera houses, anywhere in the world!
We won't go for holiday this year but I'll make up an imagenary holiday and would love to participate in this swap :)
Io ti darò la mia risposta proprio all'ultimo temo... sarà il mio primo swap e devo vedere se farei in tempo a ultimarlo. Intanto grazie per la bella iniziativa. :-)
RispondiEliminaCatherina, cuál es el plazo???
RispondiEliminaUn beso
Thank you for putting a pix of my blog giveaway in your side panel! I do have one question about this swap--are we to be paired with you or with another who leaves a comment? Sorry to still be confused!
RispondiEliminaI am not sure we will be taking a vacation this year as our funds are extra tight but we are to get a pond on our small farm so I guess my goods would be more for camping than the beach, sadly! I will see what you say so I can do this right!
Hi Karin, if I understand you spend the holidays at the lakes, I would say you could do minis sea, or picnic, if you want, you decide!
RispondiEliminaHello Nina, then your minis are inherent in the cultural journey, I'm happy if you will participate in the swap!
RispondiEliminaIra, I'm sorry you do not vacation .. means that you travel with your imagination by participating in the swap! choose your destination!!
RispondiEliminaThank you for your membership!
Mari, non avere timore, fare lo swap è molto divertente, ma non obbligatorio!! se non te la senti va bene lo stesso, ma potresti sempre provare.. c'è sempre una prima volta.. dàààààài!!!
RispondiEliminaMeli la duración del intercambio es de 14 de julio, tiene un mes para terminar el minis, si quieres participar ...
RispondiEliminaEspero que va a hacer!
Jody is a pleasure for me to put the link to your give away on my blog!
RispondiEliminaregarding the swap, the exchange will take place with another member, I will make a draw next week and put the names of the participants with the matching of partners ...
your minis will address the camp (a great holiday!) or so will be a picnic, or beach, you decide!
Thank you for your membership!
Hi Caterina!
RispondiEliminaI would like to join also the holiday swap. My minis will be something from beach.
Hugs from Finland
I've been thinking about the destination of my imagenary trip and it will be a wonderful week in Scottish highlands involving lots of hiking, fab picnics on the lovely hills and exploring the historical castles :)
RispondiEliminaIra wonderful holiday! I was actually in Scotland years ago, and I can say it is a wonderful place!
RispondiEliminaTippa!!!!!!!!! I'm happy that you share!
Come potevo mancare ad una iniziativa cosi' coinvolgente.
RispondiEliminaDifficile scegliere la destinazione perchè quest'anno non andro in vacanza!
Pero' con la fantasia si.
Un faro in stile shabby nel Maine..eh che sogno!
Conta su di me cara!
I cannot participate with the swap because I 23e June am operated to my eyes. This becomes a heavy operation and afterwards I gets still two more operations. They expect that I after this operation will twice see and it lasts three months for surgery to get that better. This summer therefore probable little mini's for me and is it not possible to make things.
RispondiEliminaCaterina Yo feliz de participar ( =
RispondiEliminaDesgraciadamente creo que no salgo de vacaciones ¡Buuuaaa!!! Pero eso no impide que me imagine "mis vacaciones" ¿Tu nos dirás quien nos toco para intercambiar? Y cuanto tiempo tenemos para hacer los regalitos? ¡Que emoción!!
El día de tu cumpleaños mi marido y yo cumplimos 20 años de casados ( =
Un beso
Flor me dan a continuación, celebrar juntos! ja, ja!
RispondiEliminaTienes hasta el 14 de julio para enviar regalos a tu pareja! Todavía escribir un post para una mejor aclaración, cuando un sorteo para los socios..
RispondiEliminamany many kisses!!!
qué bien!! yo me apunto, me lo pasé genial en el intercambio de pascua y me encantaría repetir... por supuesto, mis vacaciones en el mar!! besooos
RispondiEliminaI'll participate Caterina! I am just going on one trip to Paris this summer:)
RispondiEliminaSo city holiday for me!!!
Ciao Caterina,
RispondiEliminache bella idea quella di uno swap estivo!
Spero proprio di riuscire a partecipare, ti faccio sapere entro domenica di sicuro. Cerco di 1) farmi venire un'idea e 2) di trovare abbastanza tempo tra un esame e l'altro!!!!!!
Spero di farcela, sarebbe il mio primo swap!
Buona serata!!!!!!
Cockerina, with great pleasure I will participate in this swap:))) It will be my first - so very special:)))))
RispondiEliminaFirst week of my holiday I am going to spend in Buddhist Centre in Germany (I know that it is in the mountains with lovely view for lake). Second week I will spend in Polish mountnains called Karkonosze, where we are almost each year.
Paki, eres muy amable, no tenía ninguna duda de que habría participado en este intercambio!
RispondiEliminaSinnove exciting trip that you do in Paris, I saw that city nearly 25 years ago ... beautiful city!!!
RispondiEliminaMay I come with you? ha ha!
thanks to participate!
RispondiElimina1) pensa prima di tutto agli esami che sono molto più importanti!!!
2) se riesci comunque, mi farà molto piacere tenerti a battesimo per il tuo primo swap.. ah ah!!
in bocca al lupo!!
Alienora I'm glad you will participate in the swap, it'll be fun!
RispondiEliminaThe first swap is exciting, I'll do the godmother! WOWW!!
Thanks for signing up
Hola Caterina,
RispondiEliminaMe encantará participar una vez más en un swap organizado por ti. Que emocionante!! Yo no me voy de vacaciones hasta agosto... pero tengo un montón de ideas!!! :-)
Sylvia ¡Que todo salga muuuy bien en tu operación y recuperación ( =
RispondiEliminaUn beso
Caterina Estaré atenta a las indicaciones , mientras pienso a donde iré de vacaciones (aunque sean imaginarias ( ; )
Ya estas en mi lista de mis blog que sigo , ya que me gusta todo lo que haces.
Un beso
Hola Carolina, yo sabía que te agregue! ja ja!!
Flor entonces puedo confirmar esa parte, ¿no? Estoy feliz de tenerlo aquí!
RispondiEliminaGracias por hacer mi blog en tus favoritos!
Thanks so much for organizing this swap! I would LOVE to participate!
RispondiEliminaI will be going on the endless garage sale here in the USA! Who knows what I may find! :D
Can't wait to see who my partner will be!
Hello Kathi, I'm happy to have you here!
RispondiElimina(((Caterina))) thank you for the personal invite to the swap. :)
RispondiEliminaI'd love to, actually, I was looking forward to it after the Easter swap. That was so much fun!
But, I can't. :( I'm swamped between real life, custom orders and I can't even keep up with blogging and my etsy shop right now. :( Too much to do, plus I leave in two weeks for a vacation of a life time...
Next time, I hope! :)
Caterina gracias por la invitacion la cual acpeto encantada. Será mi primer intercambio internacional y eso me emociona mucho.
RispondiEliminaEspero tus indicaciones.
Un beso.
Dale, I'm sorry you can not attend, but I'm happy that you have a lot of work, means that business is good!!
RispondiEliminahappy holidays in real life!
Beatriz, estoy feliz por su participación! verás que será muy divertido! en el próximo post de intercambio, voy a dar la información, mantener al día!
RispondiEliminaHi Caterina,
RispondiEliminaVery sweet of you personally invited me for this swap, I'll do it.
Until now I'm not traveling, but I possess enough imagination. It will be a sun and beach holiday with a few cultural excursions.
Can you tell me the rules in English by email, the google translation from Italian is incomprehensible!?
I am very curious about who I should send it :-))
dear greetings Ingrid
Hello Caterina, thank you for asking me but I can not join you on this swap,sorry! I have to much going on in my real live and simply have not enough time for my mini's! That is also the reason that you have to miss me at the blog sphere...I hope it will change soon!
RispondiEliminaI wish you good luck and fun with this wonderfull summer swap!
Hello cockerina, thanks for your nice comment.
RispondiEliminaThe swap, I do not understand,I see your blog buth the translate don't work, greetings.
Thank you for visiting my blog inviting me to participate. Yes I would like to join. However, can I please choose a 'mystery destination'? I can't think about it right now - my brain is exploding - I think I am allergic to study ;) LOL
RispondiEliminaHi Ingrid, thanks to participate, to travel with the imagination is the most beautiful journey! I send you the rules of the swap by email! follow my blog, I'll write more about ...
RispondiEliminaSabiha Hello, I'm sorry that you are missing from the blog sphere, I hope you're well! back soon!
RispondiEliminathanks for the wishes ...
Hello Gonda, if the translator does not work, try again later to read my blog or I will send you an explanation of the swap by email!
RispondiEliminaha ha! Norma, you are a very nice person, I'm glad you want to participate in this swap.
RispondiEliminaOK to the mysterious destination, I'm curious to see where it will be!
Hi Cockerina,
RispondiEliminaThank you for participating in holiday swap.
About three weeks we vacation to Italy.
I have no time to make.
Too bad!
I love to participate.
Hello, Thanks for visiting my blog and asking me to participate to the holiday swap. YES, I'm definitely IN! I don't have any special plans for my summer holiday this year, but in the beginning of the summer football is going to be our life. Of course, we will visit our summer cottage in a traditional finnish way. And, at the end of the summer the 1000 lakes Neste rally passes my front door. So, I think I will participate with some relaxing ordinary finnish summer theme. Warm regards, Piikko
RispondiEliminaYes, I like to participate, too.
RispondiEliminaIt is new for me to do a swap but I think it is funny.
I will be some days at the Northsea, where the wind runs. I will stay in a beachhouse in reality. I hope, it is so nice like my mini.
I am new on your blog and I like it very much, feel well by scolling through. And your idea with the swaps is great, thank you for doing this.
Nina from Germany
Eccomi qui! Dopo averci pensato TUTTA la notte, ho deciso di assumermi le mie responsabilità: partecipo!
RispondiEliminaAh ah ah :-)
come la sto facendo lunga...
Quest'anno, per la prima volta da quando è nata la bambina, tornerò in vacanza a Merano, Alto Adige, dove ho trascorso tantissime estati della mia vita. E' un posto stupendo e desidero trasmettere anche a lei l'amore per la montagna e per l'onnipresente odore di wurstel! Chissà che non riesca a trasmettere qualcosa di positivo anche alla mia compagna di viaggio...
Farò del mio meglio!
Grazie per esserti fatta di nuovo promotrice di una iniziativa così bella, sei un tesoro :-)
eccomi ! partecipo anch'io !!! meta delle vacanze... decisamente mare, è il mio elemento preferito !!
What a nice idea to organize a swap. Unfortunately I do not count. Because in the summer period to work much.
RispondiEliminaGood luck and greetings, Roelie
Hi Lisette, I'm sorry you do not participate, but I'm happy for you that you will vacation in Italy!! my country is beautiful! I'm sure you'll love!
RispondiEliminaSwap? patience, will be next time ..
Piikkiö Hello! welcome to my blog!
RispondiEliminathe global soccer tournament, held this summer husbands glued to the TV ... Let's play! I'm glad you share swap, have fun!
hello, Nina "from Germany" (this is why there is a Nina else in this blog! ha ha!)
RispondiEliminathanks to participate .. and thanks for the compliments! it's always nice to read positive comments!
so your minis will cover the sea! all sailors! ha ha!
RispondiEliminanon aggiungo altro... capisci ammèè!
ah ah ah!
ti "e-mailo" stasera.. baci!
RispondiEliminagrazie grazie grazie!!!! la tua presenza mi sarà di incoraggiamento e di sprone, e sarà il faro di questo swap!!!
un abbraccio!
Thanks Roelie, luck will to all!
RispondiEliminaI hope to have you here next time!
mini hugs!!
Hello Caterina,
RispondiEliminaI would like to participate in your fun holiday swap! I am not sure where we are going on holiday, but I think perhaps Mackinac Island in Michigan, USA.
Hi, Thanks for inviting me. I would love to join, and I am spending my holidays in Toscana, but I won´t return home utill the 18. of july..is there a chance that I could send my package a bit too late? Maybe its a problem for others too?
RispondiEliminaLove, Susanne
Dear Catarina, I am here :):). It is likely that my next holiday will be to Malaysia with Rosanna :):):)!But maybe Bangkok before that, who knows :). Maybe I can do an imaginary vacation as well like sending 3 skellys to Finland :). So count me in, bella!
RispondiEliminaCarol! what a pleasure to have you here swap! I'm a happy woman now! thanks to participate!
RispondiEliminaSusanne, I am proud that you come to visit my country, Italy! Tuscany is beautiful, did you see my minis for the "house Tuscany" I've done for Ira from merryjingle.blogspot??
RispondiEliminaI think there will be NO problems if you send your package later, I will advise your partner and ask him to be patient!
thanks to participate!
Sans, you're so far from my country, and do the holidays with Rosanna, who lives in Italy and I still do not know?? too funny!
RispondiEliminaI am happy to have you in the swap, you are very nice, I love your blog!
RispondiEliminaI am not going on a vacation this year, but maybe we go to the zoo and the swimmingpool and a couple of concerts,
I can make some mini's about that or mini's typical for Holland.(that's were i live)
I would love too join the swap.
I did send your shirt today by post.
Greetings and a big hug
Hello, Maria! what a pity you do not go on vacation, but I hope you'll enjoy the zoo and swimming pool .. concert, what kind of music you are going to feel??
RispondiEliminathank you sent me your shirt, I can not wait to see it!
your minis will be beautiful, because everything is the Netherlands is very beautiful! thanks for being here!
Hallo Cockerina!
RispondiEliminaThanks for the invitation for this swab!
I'm happy to tell you, that I will join this swab :)
Actually, I'm not sure where to go this summer, because we will take something "last minute".
However, I will make some minis you can use when you're going to Vienna! Is this ok?
See you soon,
Hugs Taenia
P.S. you're right, my name is Verena ;-)
Hallo Caterina, danke für Deine Nachricht.
RispondiEliminaNatürlich würde ich gerne wieder bei Deinem Swap mitmachen, allerdings haben wir bisher noch keine Urlaubspläne für dieses Jahr... aus beruflichen Gründen meines Mannes.
Aus diesem Grunde würde ich gerne etwas zu einem Wandertag in Deutschland beitragen... wenn das möglich wäre!?!?
Hola Caterina, gracias por tu mensaje.
Por supuesto, me gustaría unirme una vez más su intercambio, pero no tenemos planes de vacaciones para este año ... motivos profesionales de mi marido.
Por este motivo, me gustaría aportar algo a un día de caminata en Alemania ... si es posible!??
Liebe Grüße an Dich PuNo/Monika
Hi Caterina!
RispondiEliminaThank you so much for inviting me to swap again! I would love to join in. I will not be able to holiday in real life- but if I could I would choose to go to The Netherlands to visit my sweet penpal! What fun we could have if we met in person!! I am very excited- think I have some ideas already :)
Thanks so much for organizing this swap! I would love to participate!
RispondiEliminaWe are going to Denmark and then we will be by the sea.
Hallo Verena ;-)
RispondiEliminaI'm glad that you agree to participate in this swap! Yes, the minis to Vienna will be perfect!
Hallo Monika! Sie können sich sicher, es wird eine kulturelle Reise sein, als wenn wir uns alle nach Deutschland kam!
RispondiEliminaDank zu beteiligen!
Hi Kim !!!!!!!!!!!!! I knew you'd add, and I'm glad you still having fun with me ...
RispondiEliminawhatever you do will always beautiful!
Janne hello, welcome to my blog and thanks for participating in the swap!
RispondiEliminaRemember the first rule is to be my follower, otherwise you can not participate!
so please become a follower of my blog!
I do not know you, but expect to see your minis!
years ago I saw a movie about Andersen and Copenaghen, Denmark must be a wonderful place!
Olá caterina!
RispondiEliminaNão sei se recebeu minha mensagem anterior portanto estou confirmando novamente minha participação ok?
Pode contar comigo!
Grande abraço.
LEOOOOOOOOOOOO! Jamais imaginei que você ia escrever a minha troca! obrigado! Estou muito feliz pela sua participação!
RispondiEliminaoh! Mãe, como animado!
Caterina, this is my first swap and I would love to participate! So count me in for summer vacations in a beach house in one of Greece's beautiful beaches...
RispondiEliminaoh!! very well!!! thanks a lot!
RispondiEliminaI love Greeces's beaches, especially Corfù!!
I'm back again Caterina :) I am happy to say that I have now almost completed my assignment and so I can think about this swap some more now.
RispondiEliminaMy holiday destination choice is the island of Bali, Indonesia. I love to visit Bali.
I am not sure about some of the swap rules. Do we make minis for our partner according to their destination choice (for example if my partner has chosen Scotland I should make minis for Scotland - OR do I make minis according to my choice, in my case Bali, and send these to my swap partner?
And about the date of July 14, I presume that is the date when we email you a picture of the minis, and also post them to our swap partner. Is that right?
Sorry to make trouble for you because of my misunderstanding.
Hello Norma, I'm glad you're back to writing!
RispondiEliminaregarding the swap, you must make minis about your holiday destination, as if you want to bring your partner with you on vacation!
will then minis about Bali ..
you send me pictures of your work by email next week, but you have to send the package before July 14 ..
sorry if I was not clear, I will write again on my blog Monday for more information ..
thanks again!
Este traductor traduce como quiere y hay cosas que no entiendo bien )=
RispondiEliminaHaber Caterina , yo voy hacer un mínimo de 3 cosas de las vacaciones que vaya o imagine ¿Y cuando se quien se las voy a dar? En el mensaje a Norma veo que hay que enviarte la foto de las cosas hechas que vamos a regalar¿para la semana entrante???
Un beso y seguiré preguntándote S =
Pero me interesa mucho tenerlo muy bien claro ( ;
Flor, es cierto, el traductor no está funcionando bien ...
RispondiEliminaIntento explicar a usted:
1) sí, lo haces 3 minis, su elección, el tema es los días de fiesta que quieres hacer (mar, montañas, ciudades, etc ...).
2) sí, usted tiene que enviar fotos por correo electrónico a mí, y NO se publiquen en su blog.
3) sí, usted tiene que enviar el paquete a su pareja (digo el nombre Lunes 14 de junio) por el 14 de julio! tiene un mes para hacer las minis!
4) no, no hay necesidad de enviar las fotos a mí, la semana que viene, porque es demasiado pronto!
Creo que el malentendido es que aquí, ¿verdad?
te callas, escribo otro post la próxima semana, lunes 14 de junio, con una mayor clarificación para todos, y espero poder traducir bien!
un beso, Caterina
RispondiElimina1) yes, you do 3 minis, your choice, the theme is the holidays YOU want to do (sea, mountains, cities, etc. ...)
2) yes, you have to send pictures by email to me, and NO they publish to your blog.
3) yes, you have to send the package to your partner (I say the name Monday June 14) by July 14! you have a month to do the minis!
4) no, you no need to send photos to me next week, because it is too soon!
I think the misunderstanding is here, right?
you're quiet, I write another post next week, Monday June 14, with more clarification for everyone, and I hope to translate well!
a kiss, Caterina
Hola Caterina, ayer te puse un post....y no salió, cosas de la informatica .....
RispondiEliminaEstoy encantada de participar en tu sawp de verano, asi que cuenta conmigo.
Un beso
Caterina, estoy a tiempo de participar en el intercambio?
RispondiEliminaEstoy un poco liada porque estoy cuidando a mi nieto y no tengo tiempo de casi nada, pero me encantaria participar.
Son 3 cosas, referentes a las vacaciones no? y tenemos tiempo hasta el 14 de julio?
Pondras un post, didiendo cuando te mandamos las fotos?
Si puedo participar me avisas, vale?
besitos ascension
Yes I do this swap, I make 3 things for????
RispondiElimina¡Hola Caterina!!
RispondiEliminaYa esta en mí blog la invitación ( =
Ya se me voy de vacaciones imaginarias a una Granja ¿que te parece? Me inspiraste cuando vi tu aniversario de matrimonio ( ;
Y si estas de acuerdo a ponerme a trabajar!!!
Un beso
Alicia gracias !!!!!!!!!
RispondiEliminaAscensión hola!
RispondiEliminaasegurarse de que puede participar, yo estaba esperando! un beso muy grande para usted y su nieto!
siguen mi blog, mañana voy a escribir más ...
thanks a lot, Gonda!!!
RispondiEliminayou choose ... I write again tomorrow, follow my blog!
Hola Flor, un día de fiesta en el campo es hermoso! entonces usted puede comenzar!
RispondiEliminaseguir mi blog, escribir más mañana detalles!
un beso
Caterina, estou com um pouquito de trabalho.
RispondiEliminaDuas coisas importantes:
- Tenho uma colcha para fazer para uma outra amiga italiana e
- meu filho mais novo casa dia 10 de Julho.
Ele está trabalhando em Berlim e vem casar cá. Mas, mesmo assim, eu quero passar férias consigo.
Eu moro a 8km da praia do Estoril, por isso vou tirar uns dias para dar umas caminhadas na areia e brincar com meus netos à beira-mar.
Um beijo da Elis
Hi Cockerina!
RispondiEliminaSorry, but I don't have time right now to participate..
Best Wishes, Maria
Elis, eu vejo você brincar com seus netos na areia ... que ternura!
RispondiEliminaEu entendi corretamente? você participar do swap?
caramba o tradutor ..
Maria, what a pity ... but do not worry, I understand ....
RispondiEliminaa kiss and thanks anyway to be passed by my blog!
I'm in and Looking forward to this swap. Since we don't have many antiques shops here in Hawaii I will be shopping for them in the southern USA.
RispondiEliminaHi Caterina, Just saw your post and I would like to participate. I haven't done a swap before.I may go on an imaginary shopping spree into Sydney, all the department stores have sales on now but I can't afford to buy much. I think it will be fun!
RispondiEliminaCiao Caterina!
RispondiEliminaCi ho pensato un po' su, però proprio questa volta non ce la faccio a partecipare allo swap. Sono impegnata con gli esami fino all'8 di luglio. Poi ho qualche lezione in preparazione dell'Arizona...e il 15 di luglio trasloco dall'Inghilterra. Quindi sono proprio tirata e non mi va di fare delle miniature in fretta e furia pur di partecipare. Sono sicura che ci sarà un'altra occasione...Natale, per esempio?!
Mi dispiace tantissimo, spero capirai le mie motivazioni.
Un abbraccio e buona serata!
RispondiEliminaSPREMERO' LE MENINGI E....VIA!!!!
solo 99 commenti???????????? ah ah!!
RispondiEliminapare brutto!!! aggiungo il mio, l'ultimo!
ne approfitto per ringraziare Cheryl, Margaret e Roberta per la loro partecipazione, e.. dispiacermi un pò perchè Lucia ha cose ben più importanti da fare e non potrà essere con noi, stavolta!!
un grazie a tutte voi per l'entusiasmo e la disponibilità...
tra poco farò il sorteggio dei nomi, state all'erta!!!
Only 99 comments ???????????? ha ha!
seems ugly! I add my own, the last!
I would like to thank Cheryl, Margaret and Roberta for their participation, e.. a little regret because Lucia has more important things to do and can not be with us this time!
thanks to all of you for your enthusiasm and willingness ...
soon I will draw names, were on the alert!
sólo 99 comentarios ???????????? ja, ja!
parece feo! Añado la mía, el último!
Me gustaría dar las gracias a Cheryl, Margaret y Roberta por su participación, e.. cierto pesar porque Lucia tiene cosas más importantes que hacer, y no estará con nosotros este momento!
gracias a todos ustedes por su entusiasmo y buena voluntad ...
pronto voy a sacar los nombres, estaban en la descripción!
I hope you received my e-mail that I would like to participate?! Sorry for my confusion! Please let me know if I made it in! Thank you.
I have just received my swap from Flora. Thanks Flora.
RispondiEliminaMay I open it???? LOL, LOL
I have just finished the swap for Piikko. I can't send it to the post office, tomorow as I must go with mu husband to a medical consultation. So I'll send Monday.